Brain Food Fridays Number 53: How Do You Rank Your Selling Skills?

Dear Reader,

Happy New Year? What are your goals for 2021? What will you do differently? This year, I want to become better at sales and marketing. While talking with friends at Portage Sales, we gave birth to the idea of doing an event for new sales professionals.​

Sales Accelerator: Don’t Read More, Read Differently​

I carefully curated 12 sales books, and each participant will choose seven of the books to read. The event lasts 21 days, so a book every three days. Let me present to you, “Sales Accelerator: don’t read more, read differently.” At the start of the program, I’ll do a webinar, teaching participants the correct way to read. In the middle of the 21 days, I’ll do another webinar teaching participants how to get more from the books they read.

At the end of the event, my friends from Portage Sales will do a sales training webinar to bring everything together. In between all the live training, you’ll read the books. And you’ll get an email reminding you of the book to read. The first training will be on January 27, 2021, 12:00 to 12:45 pm and will be recorded.

Learn More About Sales Accelerator

10Books in 30 Days Reading Challenge: Take Your Reading to the Next Level ​

I run a lot of events in my Facebook group, Reading Rocks: Read a Book, Discover Solutions, Change the World. Starting next week, I’ll be doing training once a week there, so members can learn more about strategic reading.

For the reading event, Read 10 Books in 30 Days, you’ll be reading a book every three days. And you’ll learn what to do after you’ve read the book.

Join Reading Rocks

Let’s continue with the reading challenge to learn the skills the World Economic Forum says you need to thrive in 2025.

Week Ten: Learning the Skills the World Economic Forum Says You Need to Thrive Up to 2025​

This is Week Ten and the last week of the reading challenge to learn the skills that the World Economic Forum says you need to succeed in your career.

  1. Active learning and learning strategies.
  2. Analytical thinking and innovation.
  3. Complex problem-solving.
  4. Creativity, originality, and initiative.
  5. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation.
  6. Critical thinking and analysis.
  7. Leadership and social influence.
  8. Resilience, stress tolerance, and flexibility.
  9. Technology use, monitoring, and control.
  10. Technology design and programming.

I’m going to deviate again this week. The focus is on technology design and programming. For those who want to follow this strictly, go ahead and do so. However, I recommend that you read up on automation and how it might impact the way you do your work. If you haven’t done so already, you could read, The Future of Work: Robots, AI, and Automation, Darrell M. West.

Product of the Week​

Sales Accelerator: don’t read more, read differently

Buy Sales Accelerator

Next week, I’ll return to the Friday schedule now that the Holidays are behind us.

Until Next Week,

Avil Beckford, Founder, The Invisible Mentor!

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