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The Invisible Mentor Weekly Newsletter: Brain Food Fridays Number 72: Does Selective Reading Prevent You from Understanding the Context in a Book?
Dear Reader,
Do you take consistent action to achieve your goals. Consistency is something I often struggle with. I have to break down goals, so they’re easier to achieve. Over three months ago, I decided to participate in The 100-Day Project. This was the third time I’d done it. The first and third times I completed the project without missing a day. But the results between my first and third time were very different.
The 100-Day Project was created for creatives. During my first attempt, I tried to do what I thought was creative. Yes, I finished, but my results were embarrassing. I was trying to be someone I wasn’t. The third time around, I chose to do something I was good at. Every day for a hundred days, I wrote five ideas from books I’d read. I didn’t care whether others thought I was creative.
One of the things I noticed though, was that when I participated in other challenges, participants supported each other. I didn’t find that happening any of the three times I participated in The 100-Day Project. At first, it bothered me, then I decided it doesn’t matter since I’m using the event to do something for me. People who read the five ideas learned from them, and some followers even bought the books.
I decided to create another 100-Day project for myself as a way to achieve four important goals. In the 12-Week Year, you focus on three months at a time. One hundred days is just over three months, so I can use this activity to catapult my results. What 100-Day Project could you create for yourself?
Ask Avil
Does Selective Reading Prevent You from Understanding the Context in a Book?
I’ve had this question asked a few times during my training where I teach professionals how to read selectively. I mostly focus on senior level executives, however I’ve trained some more junior professionals. And interestingly enough the context question came up in all the training I did.
I want to mention again that only four to 11 percent of the text on a page carries meaning. The other 89 to 9 percent of text is supporting information and context. I always ask, “How much context do you need?”
When you’re reading selectively, if there are times you feel like you’re missing something, simply flip back a few pages to see what you missed. A lot of times, it’s because of the fear of missing out (FOMO). As you use selective reading more frequently, you’ll notice that you’re no longer flipping back to see what, if anything, you missed out on.
“Selective reading is reading with purpose. This means only reading the text that has the information that’s useful to you. Select any book that has the knowledge you want to gain but thought you have no time for. You read only the most important information from the whole text.” Referenced: Paper Choice
Partnerships & Collaboration
Are you partnering and collaborating with others to achieve success? Don’t be fooled by the idea of the lone wolf and the self-made man or woman. Everybody needs somebody. No one ever succeeds alone. When you apply the knowledge from books to succeed, someone took the time to write those books.
I’m developing the habit of partnering and collaborating with others and I’m hoping that the resources I include in this newsletter can help you to achieve more success in your life. Please offer some feedback on the people I’m promoting here.
Steve Cunningham,
Are you a coach/consultant struggling to generate a predictable flow of leads?
Our partners at have created a video outlining exactly how they generate thousands of leads on autopilot, and how they turn those leads into coaching clients that generate upwards of $5,000/hr.
This training is free, and if you decide to join their program (which gives you all the tools to replicate their strategy in less than 30 minutes per week), they’ve created a special offer just for the Invisible Mentor Community.
Steve Cunningham
Ite, inflammate, omnia.
Maura Joy Lustig
Learn how to put your own (oxygen) mask on first. Gain the clarity and confidence to boldly pivot, to embrace change so you can break free, express yourself fully, be the best version of yourself and create a life you love!
Stress and uncertainty go with the territory of being ambitious and successful. Even the best of us has both travelled and resided there at one time in our lives. Maura went through that journey and to some degree is still on it, and we welcome you to join her and reap the benefits of someone who has cleared the path for you. She knows just how you feel.
Imagine finding your North Star, and having complete clarity, certainty and ease in your personal life and your business. Imagine that your vision and delivery becoming so compelling and attractive that clients and referral partners constantly seek you out. Imagine enjoying what you do so much that you would actually pay others to let you do it! That ‘s what happens when you recognize and develop YOUR One Thing, when you focus on what gives you purpose, contributes to others and brings you JOY.
A gentle ear and a thoughtful conversation with Maura will soon get you to realize your ability to not only get through such times, but will progressively deter them from taking over your life. Maura believes that each of us has a special gift within us that deserves to shine and that when we discover that gift and realize what’s truly possible for us, we have the ability to create our best life. Her approach is designed on discovering that ONE Thing that we are so good at that we cannot fail. This kind of focus leads us to specializing and creating a place where others can meet us physically or mentally and feel connected.
Everyone who wants to expand, to succeed, needs support and mentorship, no exception.
As Albert Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
Using her signature process, Maura supports you in hitting the reset button and transforming into your own extraordinary essence. Connect with her and see if together she might adjust the lens that you currently see your own life through. Her mission is to bring you the clarity and focus to enhance and stimulate personal growth through connection and discovery.
Connect with Maura Joy Lustig:
on LinkedIn
Download her Free Strategies to Hit the Reset Button & preview plus first lesson of online program CONVERT CHAOS TO CLARITY
Book a 15-minute call
What I’m Reading
I finished reading On Power by Gene Simmons, the co-founder of the music group, Kiss. I also read Level Up by Craig Anderson and Time-Blocking by Luke Seavers. I enjoyed all three books.
On Power
I loved the way Gene Simmons defines power,
“Power is the ability to fulfill your dreams, support your family, give back and support a worthy cause.”
Here’s this rocker who doesn’t do drugs. He’s an avid reader and in ON Power, there are several instances when he advises the reader the importance of reading and ongoing learning.
Level Up
I accidentally bought this book because I wasn’t paying close attention to what I was doing. But it was a good read for me because I have never played a video game. In the story, Marcus gets electrocuted while playing a game and has to be resuscitated. But his life is now a game, and he has quests to go on. The quests are the fears he needs to conquer. Big lessons in the book include:
- Don’t overthink things.
- Develop the ability to think on your feet.
- You constantly need to level up in life.
- Strategize before you make decisions.
If you have a problem being productive, you don’t have a time management problem. You have a focus management problem. That was a huge takeaway for me.
The Invisible Mentor Blog
I’ve mentioned The One Problem Series that I’ve been doing and it’s slowly getting traction. People are sharing the interviews on social media and some of them are now reaching out to me to interview them. I think that’s news worth sharing. The videos are short, so they’re easy enough to listen to.
Here are the Episodes that I’ve published on my blog so far.
- The One Problem Interview: Anthea Rossouw, Founder of Dreamcatcher
- Germain St. Denis, Consultant, Change Leadership: The One Problem Interview
- The One Problem Interview: Sandra Lisi, Leadership Coach
- The One Problem: Deena Baikowitz, Business & Career Coach
- The One Problem: Kelli Wingo, The One Problem Interview: Kelli Wingo, KMW Catalyst
- The One Problem: Patricia Roberts,Chief Operating Officer of the Gift of College
- The One Problem: The One Problem: Patti Pokorchak, Small Biz Sales Coach
- The One Problem: Adrienne Harris, Managing Partner, Portage Sales
- The One Problem: Kristy Wallace, CEO Ellevate Network
- The One Problem: Margye Solomon Talks about Aging and Relevance
- The One Problem: Deb Boulanger, Launch Lab for Women Entrepreneurs
- The One Problem: Sharon Horne Ellstrom – Stop Being Like Others, Be YOU
- The One Problem: Liz Kitchell from SheMoolah Talks Money Conversations
- The One Problem: Avil Beckford, Author of Digest 30 Books in 30 Days
- The One Problem: Interview With Kelly Daring, Author of Is Love Enough
Blog Series On Selective Reading
5 Common Reading Mistakes You Don’t Realize You’re Making
How I Came to Teach Professionals How to Read Selectively to Accelerate Their Business
5 Things You Never Knew about Reading Books
Before And After You Learn How to Read Selectively
Thinking About Investing in the Business Knowledge Accelerator Program?
New Products Alert
I’ve created new programs, Business Knowledge Accelerator, Career Knowledge Accelerator, and I updated the Sales Knowledge Accelerator. Besides previewing a book before reading it, I also recommend that you read a good book summary to get the helicopter view of what the book is about. With so much information online, I was surprised that I couldn’t find summaries for some books on the list.
I often participate in the Knowledge Accelerator programs, so I make sure that I choose books I haven’t read. Now I have to read the books that I couldn’t find summaries for.
Why not participate in one of the Accelerator Programs. I’m also working on the Knowledge Accelerator for Women. It should be ready in a few weeks.
Until Next Week,
Avil Beckford, Founder, The Invisible Mentor!
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