The Invisible Mentor Weekly Newsletter: Brain Food Wednesdays Number 82: How to Read the Right Books That Will Actually Solve Your Problems

Dear Reader,

Do you have a technique you use to ensure that you read the right books, so you can solve problems that come your way? I learned a technique from Turn the Page by Chris Brady. I’ll present the technique in the Ask Avil section of this newsletter.

Last week I mentioned that I created a membership site, and I’ve just started to promote it. The membership price is low right now as I build out the content. What I’ve done with my membership site is to create Bookish Notes that I group together to create courses. I take a topic, create Bookish Notes from some of the better books on the topic. Then I organize them in such a way that after you’ve gone through them, you have a strong foundation of the topic on which you can build.

The first Bookish Note I created was on generating ideas. If you read one or two Bookish Notes each day, you’ll develop a practice of consuming content that helps you to develop skills. I’m working on courses to help you to become more productive and better at sales. You can subscribe to my paid membership site

Ask Avil

How to Read the Right Books That Will Actually Solve Your Problems?

There are a few ways that you can choose the right books to read. However, in Turn the Page, the author, Chris Brady, mentions a strategy that I love. Answer the following two questions.

  1. What are your top five leadership and business challenges right now?
  2. What are your top five personal, family, and life challenges right now?

Now you have a goal when reading books since you have challenges to solve. And your subconscious mind will be looking out for information to resolve the 10 challenges you’re facing now. But the process doesn’t end there. Turn the Page also mentions three types of learning.

3 Types of Learning

All the three types of learning are relevant to your situation of resolving top of mind challenges. But the type of learning you want to focus on is mystery learning because you have to delve deeper to find the resolution to your challenges. It’s a more proactive form of learning. This was game changing information for me. What do you think?

Task learning: This is when you’re looking for specific answers while reading.

Problem learning: The person is given a problem to solve or figure out the answer to something by reading the book.

Mystery learning: Takes you to a deeper level because no one is telling you what you are looking for or even if you’re looking for something.

To make sure that you read the right books, find books that will likely offer you solutions to the 10 challenges you’re facing. You may have to do research to identify the best books for you to read. But you’ll end up with the right books for you.

What I’m Reading

I tend to read a lot of fiction, especially during the summer. And I received lots of books from a friend who works for a publisher. The pandemic taught them that more employees can work from home. Because of this reality, they’re getting rid of an entire floor, so had to get rid of a lot of things. Their loss was my gain.

I read Future Mapping and am now reading Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager. I still plan to read the books I listed below, but I want to incorporate some books I received from my friend.

Summer Reading List

  1. Future Mapping
  2. Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo
  3. The Airbnb Story: How Three Ordinary Guys Disrupted an Industry, Made Billions . . . and Created Plenty of Controversy by Leigh Gallagher
  4. Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal by Nick Bilton
  5. Levers: The Framework for Building Repeatability into Your Business by Amos Schwartzfarb
  6. Behind the Red Door: How Elizabeth Arden’s Legacy Inspired My Coming-of-Age Story in the Beauty Industry by Louise Claire Johnson
  7. Five Stars: The Communication Secrets to Get from Good to Great by Carmine Gallo
  8. I Got There: How a Mixed-Race Kid Overcame Racism, Poverty, and Abuse to Arrive at the American Dream by JT McCormick
  9. One Big Thing: Discovering What You Were Born to Do by Phil Howard Cooke
  10. Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager Revised Edition: Gain the Mindset and Skillset for Getting What You Need to Succeed by Ken Blanchard and Susan Fowler

The Invisible Mentor Blog

The One Problem

The One Problem series I’ve been doing is slowly getting traction. In fact, I did an interview just a few hours ago. I’m finding interesting people to interview. People are sharing the interviews on social media and some of them are now reaching out to me to interview them. I think that’s news worth sharing. The videos are short, so they’re easy enough to listen to.

Here are the Episodes that I’ve published on my blog so far. Listen to a few of them and let me know what you think.

  1. The One Problem: Evelyn Jerome Alexander, Magellan College Counseling
  2. The One Problem Interview with Rosalin Krieger, The Unstucker
  3. The One Problem Interview: Tetyana Dudnyk, Director, Technology Project Management Office
  4. The One Problem Interview: Maura Lustig, Transformational Coach
  5. The One Problem: Vicki Saunders, Founder SheEO
  6. Episode 17 The One Problem: Tara Hunt, Founder Truly Inc
  7. The One Problem Interview: Melanie Russell Talks About Partnership Agreements
  8. The One Problem Interview: Anthea Rossouw, Founder of Dreamcatcher
  9. Germain St. Denis, Consultant, Change Leadership: The One Problem Interview
  10. The One Problem Interview: Sandra Lisi, Leadership Coach
  11. The One Problem: Deena Baikowitz, Business & Career Coach
  12. The One Problem: Kelli Wingo, The One Problem Interview: Kelli Wingo, KMW Catalyst
  13. The One Problem: Patricia Roberts,Chief Operating Officer of the Gift of College
  14. The One Problem: The One Problem: Patti Pokorchak, Small Biz Sales Coach
  15. The One Problem: Adrienne Harris, Managing Partner, Portage Sales
  16. The One Problem: Kristy Wallace, CEO Ellevate Network
  17. The One Problem: Margye Solomon Talks about Aging and Relevance
  18. The One Problem: Deb Boulanger, Launch Lab for Women Entrepreneurs
  19. The One Problem: Sharon Horne Ellstrom – Stop Being Like Others, Be YOU
  20. The One Problem: Liz Kitchell from SheMoolah Talks Money Conversations
  21. The One Problem: Avil Beckford, Author of Digest 30 Books in 30 Days
  22. The One Problem: Interview With Kelly Daring, Author of Is Love Enough

Blog Series On Book Summaries

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Book Summaries

How I Came to Teach Courses Based On Summaries of Several Books

5 Common Mistakes Professionals Make With Book Summaries

Before And After You Learn How to Actually Use Book Summaries as a Professional Development Tool

Thinking About Investing in Art of of Learning: Growing Professionally, Realizing Your Potential

How to Develop a Daily Creative Habit So You Actually Solve Problems

Product Alert

The Invisible Mentor Membership Site, The Art of Learning

After wanting to create a subscription site for about five years, I finally did it. I believe that if I created the site before, it would have failed. I created something unique. The site has what I call Bookish Notes and I group them together to help subscribers learn specific skills. The price is heavily discounted right now as I build out the content.

Join The Art of Learning Today!

7 Day Reading Makeover Challenge

This is an affordable program to get started on leadership reading. Leaders read to learn what they need to know. You’ll also learn how to synthesize information.

I’m in, sign me up for 7 Day Reading Makeover Challenge

Until Next Week,

Avil Beckford, Founder, The Invisible Mentor!
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