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Exciting News! Our First Two eBooks!
Hi Reader!
Happy Holidays! Thank you so much for being a part of the Healthy Foodie Girl community and for supporting us! We have been working really hard and are excited to announce that our first two eBooks are for sale! They are perfect for this holiday season!
We have the ULTIMATE Charcuterie Board With Items From Trader Joe’s with a shopping list! Also, we lightened up 10 Starbucks holiday drinks that you can make at home and show you how to lighten them up when ordering them at Starbucks.
All of the eBooks are filled with tips, images, instructions, and more! In addition, all pages of the eBooks are printable!
We are so excited to offer them to you and we have discounted the prices for a limited time to celebrate! Also, if you would like both eBooks, we have included a special bundle offer!
All of our eBooks can be easily downloaded and viewed on your computer, phone, or tablet. If you need to download it on any of your devices just open your confirmation email on that device to download the eBook. Also, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out! In addition, if you are outside of the United States and would like to purchase the eBooks, please send us an email and we will send you a link in your currency. Thank you so much we hope you enjoy these eBooks this holiday season!
Xo, Shawna & Ella
We started a Facebook group! Come join our private Facebook group Healthy Foodie Girl! All are welcome. Come chat with other healthy foodies! Do you have a great food hack? Share it with the group! Do you want some new ways to cook chicken? Ask it in the group! If you made one of our recipes, we would love to see it! We all have so much to share and learn from one another and we are better together! You all inspire us every day. Come share your ideas with us by joining the group and keep cooking!
Come join us on Pinterest and save your favorite recipes! We would love to see you there!
Please note that some of the links on this page are affiliate links and we will earn a commission if you purchase through those links. Thank you for supporting us!
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