๐Ÿ—๏ธ Using Related Categories To Improve Rankings!

Happy Wednesday!!

Last week, I shared an important update to WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) that Casey M. recently shared with me. It is 100% related to external links so I thought it was important to share. If you missed that email, you can catch it HERE.


The next few weeks, I will be throwing around ideas for how to keep the user ON YOUR PAGE for as long as possible.

Because if a user is clicking from the SERPS and staying for a while on that result, that HAS to be a good signal to Google right?? And the hope is that in return, Google will push your keyword rankings higher! ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป (If anything, longer time on page should help increase RPM’s.)

One thing I have been doing more and more as I update older content is I’ve been adding closely related categories to the bottom of my posts.

If you’re a new blogger with less than 50 posts, it might be harder to find 100% related content, but try to get creative! If you have hundreds of posts, you have no excuse! ๐Ÿ™‚

The goal is to try to get the user to click DEEPER into your blog (and not immediately return back to Google).

For example, at the bottom of this post I just updated, I added a block of related recipes that I think would be best either paired WITH lamb meatballs or another closely-related option. I also added the tzatziki recipe that I recommend serving ON the meatballs.



As opposed to a more general selection of appetizers (shown below) that are relevant BUT not as enticing/related as the block above.



Another option is to add more pairing suggestions like desserts (if it’s a main course or appetizer) or even drinks to serve with the recipe.



There is no right or wrong way to do this but the idea is to get users to click on another page and stay on your blog longer. We hope Google’s little robots will say, (“hmmm…users are liking this page/site, let’s move it up higher!”) ๐Ÿ™ƒ

If you’re wondering what this block is, it’s from Feast themes and is called an FSRI block. I just simply insert the block and change the post ID for what I want it to include.


If you don’t have a feast theme (use this affiliate link) and check it out! I highly recommend it for food bloggers. I’ve had it for over 2 years now. It’s very easy to work with and the fact that they are on top of all the best practices gives me peace.


Okay, until next week, keep up the awesome keyword research!!



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Link Whisper: Use my affiliate link with the code: AlekaShunk15 for $15 OFF!

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