Are you feeling burnt out? (Me too)

Hello Reader,

Are you feeling burnt out?

Me too.

It’s important to be aware that we are still dealing with the impacts of the pandemic—economically, socially, physically and in our mental health.

So if you’re affected by that, remember: there’s nothing wrong with you.

But what to do?

First and foremost, I invite you to validate, validate and validate yet again.

These feelings are a normal reaction to an abnormal situation.

You don’t recover from three-ish years of trauma–-and a global pandemic is a trauma–-in a few months or even a year.

I invite you to go as slowly as possible–in your day-to-day and in your life in general.

I know from personal experience that this is easier said than done, and I invite you to go as slowly as possible, and maybe even create some more room to go slowly in your life.

The Nagoski sisters, Emily and Amelia, wrote a book a few years ago called Burnout. In my mind, it is a classic and an excellent resource full of help for the long tail of mental health effects of the pandemic.

I wish I could do a Vulcan mind meld with every client so that they could instantly have both the reassurance and the tools from this book.

Because so many clients, friends and colleagues are hitting the end of the summer and still feeling so depleted, I thought you could maybe use some support as well, so I’m sharing some resources related to the Burnout book.

Info about the book (and a sample) is here.

And there’s a workbook to go with it! (🤓 I love workbooks)

One of the key ideas from the book is completing the stress cycle.

The Nagoski sisters explain it in this video.

video preview

But if videos aren’t your thing, here they are talking to Brené Brown on her podcast.

I hope these resources encourage you as summer comes to a close.

Reply to this email and let me know how you’ll be using them.


PS I’m not affiliated with the Nagoskis in any way and receive no benefit from sharing the info and links above.

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