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Are your emotions circling the drain? (podcast)
Hello Reader,
Does this sound familiar?
One morning something is going well and you’re on an emotional high. You think: “Frig yeah! This is why I do this!!!”
But that afternoon, something tanks, and your emotions are circling the drain, emotionally. You think: “That’s it. Nothing I try ever works out. I’m burning this whole thing down.”
It’s the nature of owning and running a business, amiright??
Owning and running a business can be a emotional rollercoaster, and the the impact of this journey is hard on mental health
Sadly, that impact isn’t often acknowledged.
And it’s for this very reason that Mai-Kee Tsang invited me onto her podcast to talk about how we can mitigate mental health risks in our businesses.
Join us as we discuss the:
• Intersection between mental health, privilege and mariginalisation – and why this is so important
• Most common mental health struggles entrepreneurs face today
• Next steps we can take to start prioritising our mental health in our business
And sooo much more!
Listen in here. If your emotions are circling the drain, you’ll learn why–there’s nothing wrong with you–as well as some things you can do about it.
Then reply to this email and let me know what resonated with you the most.