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Solar Eclipse – Your “Get Ready” Guide ☀🌙
Solar Eclipse Issue – Your “Get Ready” GuideThe solar eclipse is nearly upon us – although you may be already feeling its effects! What you need to know:
At The Happy Mystic, we’re all about trying to solve life’s problems using ancient wisdom, so what areas of life should YOU be focused on during this eclipse?
Look at both your Sun sign and rising sign to get a clearer picture for yourself.
Aries-The time is very ripe for change in your relationships (this doesn’t have to mean marriage or romantic, but any meaningful partnership) because the eclipse is both in your 7th House and the sign of Libra. How to “get ready” -Think about important partnerships in your life (or ones you have been thinking you would like) What kind of new beginning might this eclipse be pushing you toward? -Think about ways that you could open yourself up to new possibilities in your relationships. Being an Aries, you may be the one doing the pursuing! Taurus-The time is ripe for change in your work life and health. How to “get ready” -Think about what kinds of new changes might you need to undergo in your job. -What kinds of health-related activities might you have been thinking about starting, but haven’t yet? Maybe initiating daily walks with your partner or taking up new eating habits. -As a Taurus, you may not love change being thrown your way, which eclipses have the potential to do, but there is the possibility of beginning new structured routines in life, which you may appreciate! Gemini-The time is ripe for new beginnings that let you shine. -This is in relation to how much you allow yourself to have fun for fun’s sake, let your hair down, and even romance. How to “get ready” -Think about in what ways you have been taking life too seriously. -You are a Gemini, so in what parts of your life can you slow down to make room for more carefree feelings? -Are you “putting yourself out there” in the romance department? If not, now may be the time. Cancer-The time is ripe for change in your domestic life and home. -This could involve your family dynamics or even your physical dwelling. How to “get ready” -Perhaps you have wanted to upgrade your nest, shake it up, and get some new energy in there? Now may be the time. -Are there habit patterns within your family that need to be revised and replaced with a new and healthier dynamic? -Being a Cancer, ask yourself if you have gotten too isolated in your shell. Maybe it’s time to begin hosting friends at your house. Leo-The time is ripe for change in terms of information going in and information coming out. -This could be in regard to sharing what you know or starting new educational endeavors. How to “get ready” -Think about if there is something you have been curious to learn about that you have been putting off or talking yourself out of. -What are things that you have knowledge about? How could you be sharing that with the world in ways you haven’t yet? (In your own, fantastic Leo way, of course.) -Ask yourself who could benefit from knowing what you know. Virgo-The time is ripe for new beginnings in regard to money or ways that you value yourself. -This could refer to things like opportunities to bring in more cash, new ways to earn money, or, being a Virgo, revising how you organize and manage what you have. How to “get ready” -Ask yourself, what are some talents or areas of expertise you have that you could actually be cashing in on? -Is there something you have been wanting to learn how to do, ways you can be of service to others, that you could also turn into a new income stream? -Think about how you have been perceiving your own self-worth lately. Does that need to be reworked? Libra-With the eclipse landing in your sign, the time is ripe for you to reinvent yourself. -This is in regard to how others see you, your outlook on life, and how you present yourself to the world. How to “get ready” -Think about how you portray yourself to others. Do you play that part because that’s what you have always done and what people expect from you, or is it who you actually want to be? Have you been doing too much people-pleasing, Libra? -While physical appearance definitely isn’t everything, a new look can usher in a new energy, and the time is perfect for you to reimagine your style. -Ask yourself about your outlook and the “lens” you look through to see the world. Is this perspective serving you well or is it time to get it readjusted? Scorpio-The time is ripe for big internal change in anything “under the surface”. -This refers to psychological shifts, self-reflection, your inner-imaginative world, and dreams. How to “get ready” -Scorpio is already primed to dive deep, is there a mentally therapeutic practice that you’ve been curious about? It may be time to start reading the book about it or seek out someone to work on it with you. -Think about how much time you allow yourself to sit and listen to what the Universe wants you to know, or even just daydream. Consider if you need to add more. Sagittarius-The time is ripe for new beginnings in regard to the dream you have for yourself. -This is in regard to your life strategy and who you align yourself with that help you get where you want to go. How to “get ready” -Ask yourself if there is a direction that you have been wanting to go in life that you have been putting off. Now may be the time to start charting your course. -Think about where you want to go in life and what alliances you can form to help you get there. -It’s time to be bold, Sagittarius, find your people, and go after it! Capricorn-The time is ripe for new beginnings in regard to how others see you. -This has to do with your public role, titles you hold, the “categories” that you are put into. -It can also have to do with moving closer to the biggest goals you have in life. How to “get ready” -Ask yourself, what would life look like if you suddenly jumped much closer to your big goal? Envision that. -Think about if there are any roles and titles that you hold that you have grown out of but are sticking with out of a sense of duty (you are a Capricorn, after all). -What new roles may you be ready for that you haven’t embodied yet because you didn’t think you were ready? Aquarius-The time is ripe for new opportunities to expand your mind and spread your message to the world. -This is in regard to travel, opening your mind to new philosophies or ways of thinking, and sharing your worldview with others. How to “get ready” -Ask yourself, fixed Aquarius, if you have been stuck in a rut in some area of your life? How might you shove yourself out of your comfort zone? -Think about if there has been a place you have wanted to visit, but have put off. Now may be the time to book the flight. -What kind of ideals or life philosophy do you hold that others may love to hear about? How could you share it? Pisces-The time is ripe for new opportunities in personal healing and connection within loving partnerships. -This is in regard to ways in which you open up and heal through becoming vulnerable with another person and doing internal work. How to “get ready” -If you are in a committed relationship, ask yourself if there are any walls you have up. Can this person finally be trusted enough to lower your barriers or not? How could you two could become closer? -Think about any past emotional wounds you may have that have been simmering under the surface and affecting your life. Is it time for you to deal with any of these and start doing the work to heal them? Good luck this eclipse season. I hope you open yourself up and make yourself receptive to new opportunities and impactful change in your life. If your eclipse horoscope resonated with you, we’d love to hear about it. Reply to this email and let us know! And, if you enjoyed this, you can share it on Twitter here. Have a fantastic day and sending love,