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Brain Food Wednesdays: A Feast of Ideas from 11 Captivating Books

Dear Reader,
Greetings, Brain Food Enthusiasts!
Welcome to another edition of Brain Food Wednesdays, your weekly intellectual feast, where we delve into ideas sourced from the pages of intriguing books. In this edition, issue 212, we journey through insights, strategies, and concepts gleaned from eleven books. So, let’s sharpen our mental appetites and feast on the nourishing knowledge within these books.
1. Contagious Concepts:
Our literary feast begins with “Contagious,” a book that serves as the appetizer, introducing you to the secrets behind ideas that spread like wildfire. We explore the psychology of contagious content, discovering the ingredients that make concepts stick and fuel word-of-mouth movements. Prepare to savor ideas that linger long after consumption.
2. Hooked on Habits and Innovation:
As your intellectual journey progresses, “Hooked” takes the stage, offering the main course. Dive deep into the intricacies of habit-forming products, understanding the alchemy that transforms creations into integral components of daily life. Feast on the art of crafting products that embed themselves in the fabric of routine, becoming irresistible to the masses.
3. The Unconventional Flavors of the Misfit Economy:
“Misfit Economy” adds a dash of rebellion to your intellectual banquet, showcasing stories of unconventional thinkers who redefine success. This course introduces us to the misfits on society’s fringes, uncovering how their unconventional approaches spark innovation. Prepare to savor the unconventional flavors of success that challenge traditional norms.
4. Non-Obvious Trends to Spice Things Up:
As we progress through the literary feast, “Non Obvious” adds a pinch of spice by revealing the recipe for identifying trends hiding in plain sight. Become a trendspotter, seasoning your intellectual palate with insights that defy convention. In this course, non-obvious trends emerge as the seasoning that flavors innovative thinking.
5. Taking Flight with Creativity:
The feast takes a creative turn with “How to Fly a Horse,” a palate cleanser that demystifies the process of creation. Indulge in the art of birthing ideas, discarding the notion that creativity is a rare gift. This course invites you to take flight on the wings of imagination, creating with the relentless spirit of a champion.
6. Crafting Concise Narratives:
“Sail gently with ‘Several Short Sentences About Writing,’” an exquisite course that transforms the art of storytelling. In a sea of words, discover the power of brevity and precision. Unleash the magic of concise writing, navigating through clear, impactful communication. This course is the palate cleanser that prepares us for the digital courses ahead.
7. Navigating Digital Waters with Fat Content:
As you approach the digital courses, “Creating Fat Content” takes the stage, guiding you through the intricate waters of digital content creation. This course balances the richness of creativity with strategic content creation, ensuring we navigate the ever-changing digital landscape with finesse.
8. Entrepreneurial Wisdom and the Billionaire Banquet:
Your feast wouldn’t be complete without insights from “The Self-Made Billionaire Effect.” This course explores the characteristics and strategies that pave the road to entrepreneurial triumph. Delve into the wisdom of visionaries who have crafted their own path to billion-dollar success. This course is the sumptuous main course in your banquet of success.
9. The Power of Little Bets:
In the spirit of innovation, “Little Bets” emerges as your after-dinner entertainment, advocating for an iterative approach to creativity. Embrace experimentation and the power of small, strategic risks. Witness how small bets can lead to significant gains, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.
10. Immersive Narratives with Storyscaping:
As the day progresses, “Storyscaping” invites you to explore immersive narratives that go beyond traditional storytelling. Engage your intellectual senses in a world where stories come to life, creating experiences that linger in the minds of those who embark on this storytelling adventure.
11. Navigating Business Waters:
Your intellectual feast concludes with the business banquet, “Business Model Generation.” This course serves as your anchor, offering a structured approach to designing and innovating business models. Through visual tools and strategic insights, you understand the vital dance between creativity, innovation, and business success.
In this edition of Brain Food Wednesdays, you’ve feasted on a smorgasbord of ideas, from contagious concepts to the power of little bets. Each course contributes to the rich tapestry of knowledge, offering a blend of flavors that stimulates your intellectual taste buds.
So, until our next Brain Food Wednesday, keep feasting on knowledge and savoring the diverse ideas that spark your curiosity.
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Bon Appétit!
Warm regards,
Avil Beckford
Editor, Brain Food Wednesdays
Founder, The Invisible Mentor & Art of Learning Leadership Academy