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It’s Time
It’s TimeThis is going to be a short one. I’m feeling rough. Unfortunately, I came down with the flu last night and had to leave work early today. It’s Time I’ve been hinting at it. Talking about it on Twitter:
Writing about it in our Newsletter issue – Making the Bet. Alright, what is he talking about you may be wondering. Well, it’s simple. I resigned. In December, I gave notice. I’ll be working for a few more months as we transition my role and responsibilities on a reducing capacity over the next four months. It’s scary It’s exciting It’s hard to describe Have a PlanIn our FI + PIvot conversation, I shared that I sat down with my boss in 2018 to have a conversation about my future. Based on the path set out for me, I told him I’d have ten more years and I would transition to:
Nothing’s changed. You’ve likely seen me doing most of these things already. Now, it’s time to do all of them when I pull the plug and pivot to my new life. It isn’t easy. It’s going to be the hardest transition of my life. And, it’s going to be the most rewarding experience I’ve ever had. I expect I’ll take July off with my family and August with friends and myself, before sharing the next steps on this journey – there’s a lot cooking, my friends. What Does This MeanWith more time, I expect higher quality. I expect we’ll continue to publish content on All Things Growth:
I will talk about these, because regardless of where you are in life or where you want to go, they’re going to serve you. As a future entrepreneur, leader and content producer, I need to always be the best version of myself I can be. I’m also going to share with you how I’m building my business(es) so you can take these steps if you want to, as well. Until next time, Let’s Ride.
TGG PodcastIf you enjoy this newsletter, You’ll love our Podcast, the Growth Guide. Every week, we talk to a subject matter expert or an accomplished author to help you, and me, be Healthier, Wealthier and Happier! While you’re there, please, do me a favor, hit the “Follow” button. When you do, we climb the charts, which allows us to talk to the guests you want on the show. This week on the Growth Guide Podcast, we talked to Brent Stevenson about his book, Why We Hurt: Understanding How To Be Comfortable In Your Own Body. Brent’s book takes a deeper look at the physical manifestations of stress and anxiety in people’s bodies, and how your interpretation of your story when you reach out for help. 80 million Americans experience back pain every year. But, nobody tells us 𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘞𝘦 𝘏𝘶𝘳𝘵. In this conversation, we talk about the why and how to address it: Stress Manifestation Day-to-day tensions are held in your muscles, while deeper anxieties are held in your organs, leading to physical discomfort. Mind-Body Connection Personal responsibility
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