Coaching Opportunities
As my time as a consultant winds down, I look forward to being able to work directly with members of my audience.
To help people achieve their own breakthroughs: personally, professionally and financially.
But, space is limited while I’m building three businesses !
If you’re interested in working together, fill out an application here.
1-to-1 Coaching Opportunity
4 spots are left !
Never Give In
I Give In…
I whispered those words to myself.
If my family was around the corner, I was going to throw in the towel.
Luckily, they weren’t around the corner and I started to think of one of my favorite quotes, which hangs on the wall of my office.
Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
– Winston Churchill
Let’s rewind the clock.
You may be asking yourself now, what was I going to quit.
On April 29, 2018, I was scheduled to run my longest ultramarathon, which was 50 miles. It was the Mt. Si ultramarathon and I’d been training by running daily for 1-1/2 years.
I felt ready.
I went out quick, not far off the leaders.
We were maintaining a steady Zone 2 pace and I was having a blast, but I made a fateful mistake…
I tried some new nutrition products on race day and my stomach said, no thank you, Mr. Clint.
After a quick detour to the forest, I was back on the trails feeling great – don’t worry, I’ll leave that section up to your imagination…It wasn’t pretty.
At the halfway mark, I was feeling brilliant.
I finished the first marathon in four hours flat and was ready to destroy the second half of the race in slightly over eight hours.
I got to the next aid station and started walking while I ate and drank, which I did at all aid stations.
But, the Wheels Fell Off.
When I got to the other side of the aid station, I pressed the gas pedal, but my legs wouldn’t run.
Weird, I thought. Maybe I just need a few minutes.
I know. I’ll wait for the next group to pass me, latch onto the back of them and draft like a cyclist.
It was a great plan.
As Mike Tyson says, though, everybody has a plan until they’re punched in the face.
And, I was punched in the face.
The group caught me and was jogging by slowly.
I started to spin up my legs to run behind them at a slower pace than I’d been doing all day.
Not even for a minute.
My legs had told my brain I was done.
They weren’t willing to put in anymore work for me today.
The next group, I kept telling myself, I’ll latch onto the next group and every single group that went by, the same thing happened.
The walking began.
One mile, two, three miles four.
It’s when the voices started in my head.
I Give In.
Where’s my family.
If I see them around the corner, I quit…
They weren’t around the corner, though, so there was no quit.
The March
Well, if there’s no quit and no exit vehicle, I only had one choice.
It was a simple choice. The choice to put one foot in front of the other and it’s what I did.
Four miles became five, six miles seven.
It continued like this to the base of a mountain…Are you f*cking kidding me, I’ve been walking seven miles and now I need to go up a mountain, I told myself.
The only positive was my ultramarathon coaches never had me running uphill. It was always a power march and I’d already been power marching for seven miles so up I went and now, strangely, I started to pass people.
Once I was at the top of the mountain, I decided to test something…Could I run down? It seemed reasonable. It should be easier and so I stretched out the legs and let myself go and my legs started to cycle. They started to sing as I ran down the mountain with the wind blowing by me. It was magical. I’ve rarely felt better, but I wasn’t crazy. I paced it.
I ran a kilometer. I walked a kilometer.
Tears to My Eyes
It was then, I realized, I can do this.
I’m going to be able to finish this race, today.
As I got to the bottom of the mountain, I rounded the corner into an aid station and it’s when I saw the most beautiful site: My wife and two boys were standing their holding signs supporting me and my little guys (9 and 6) were cheering madly for their father.
As I type it, I’m feeling tears coming to my eyes.
In the moment, I was broken down.
My body was broken and my mind was overcome.
I smiled, I may have cried, and I picked up my youngest son and hugged him, kissed my wife and said I’m going to finish this, baby, but it’s going rough…I’ll be a while and I’d love to keep seeing you guys.
She knew what was up.
Every few aid stations, there they were.
Every time, it provided the extra juice to keep on kicking ass.
Run one kilometer.
Walk a kilometer.
Run. Walk. Run. Walk. Rinse. Repeat.
I started to see runners who lost that battle.
They were slowing down. They were giving in. People who’d passed me earlier were the people I was passing now. One by one, two by two, I went passed more and more of them.
Run. Walk.
Run. Walk.
I repeated this process until I finished the 50 miles (80 kilometers).
The total time on the course was 9:22:31 – the second half of the course was 1:22:31 longer than the first half.
I didn’t care.
All I cared about was I finished.
All I cared about was I Hadn’t Given In.
Lessons in Life
Whether it was completing an Ironman when I was 32 or completing the ultramarathon at 39, I’ve learned through physical trials what we’re capable of.
It’s why I know there is no limit.
There’s no ceiling to what we’re able to do.
We can do anything once we build our Get Sh!t Done Muscle.
At a minimum, we can do much more than we expect we can do in life.
Whether it’s long hours in the office, a hard workout in the gym, it doesn’t matter. Whatever needs doing can get done,
If you put one foot in front of the other.
TGG Podcast
In this week’s episode of the Growth Guide Podcast, I talk about “The Law of Attraction” which suggests our conscious and unconscious thoughts influence our lives by attracting events and circumstances.
People get the Law of attrACTION wrong.
The problem is they’re focused on what they can attract.
But, what they should be focusing on is the action they’re going to take to get it.
The premise is simple, like attracts like:
- Focus on positive thoughts and you’ll attract positive outcomes
- Focus on negative thoughts, you’ll attract negative outcomes
To hear more on the Law of Attraction: Listen on Apple and Spotify.
Last Word 👋
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I’d love to chat with you !
All my best,