My primary intuition

Hi Reader,

A reminder: my vision for the future is “a world no longer divided by religion.” This is the context for everything I’m writing now.

I didn’t leave myself much time to write this week’s email, so this is going to be short.

Normally I’d give some context and set the stage, but this week I’ll come out and say what I have to say right up front.

The primary intuition I have is this:

The way to heal the world is to completely open myself to all the pain I experience. To accept it, embrace it, even to welcome it.

This applies to emotional pain, spiritual pain, physical pain, and yes, even pain I experience on others’ behalf via empathy or compassion.

Something tells me that if I’m able to get to a place where I can be fully present with all that pain and not tense up or reject it or judge it or resist it in any way but just be with it in the eternal now, that then and only then can true healing take place.

I don’t know this is true. It’s not a theory. It’s barely even what I’d call an insight. I’m not the first person to have considered this. In fact I’ve noticed it a lot in what I’ve been reading lately—but for whatever reason it seems I had to have the intuition before I was able hear it from others.

But I’m beginning to live toward it.

Now I’m curious: what are you living toward? There are absolutely no “wrong” or “bad” answers, and I’d be honored if you shared with me.

Peace and blessings to you and your loved ones.

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