
Millionaire Habits

If you want to Achieve Financial Independence and Retire Early you need to read my friend Steve Adcock’s book, Millionaire Habits.

Steve delivers a fun, insightful, and hands-on discussion of how to build financial security, retire early, and give back to the community. You’ll learn to focus on yourself and your family first, creating personal wealth to give back to others.

Have a read and let me know what you think.

He’ll be coming on the Podcast soon to talk about the book.


In physics, Newton’s Third Law of Motion states:

For every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.

If object A exerts a force on object B, object B also exerts an equal and opposite force on object A.

In other words, forces result from interactions.

The same is true in life.

Let me give you a simple example.

A Father and Son

My youngest son can be volatile.

He can easily fly off the handle…

But, I’ve noticed something

If I never fly off the handle and I don’t respond to his escalation, the situation stops…

It’s force.

It’s the reaction.

He responds to my energy.

He responds to how I respond to him.

If I respond in an angry way or my temper starts to rise, he gives me back that exact same energy and I reciprocate. We drive each other up an anger hurricane getting angrier and angrier until we explode.

Once we’ve given each other space (no forces or reactions) we’re calm instantly. We can hug it out and apologize, but it’s not a comfortable way to live for me, him or our family.

Now, contrast that to when I’m mindful, present and calm.

He responds with calmness.

He responds in a way that’s relaxed.

His energy pattern will match the energy I give him.

The same is true in your daily interactions.

How you treat the barista, your server or your colleagues at work are largely going to define how you’re treated.

This is what’s contemplated in the concept of Karma, which is the relationship between a person’s mental or physical action and the consequences following that action.

What you put out in the world is what you get back, which is why I’m a firm believer in the CEO – Janitor Rule.

Whether you’re dealing with a CEO or with a Janitor, you should treat them the same. With respect for them as individuals.

Too many people are nice to those who can give them something or help them move forward in life, but they’re horrible to their server, hired help or people they believe are beneath them.

Don’t be that type of person.


This also mean our choices matter.

Every decision you make in your life from minute to minute is going to have an impact on your life and your opportunity for success.

For example, if you adopt the habits we talked about in last week’s newsletter, you’ll have better results in your life.

Unfortunately, if you adopt bad habits and make poor choices you will have a life that reflects that.

This came up for me this week, because my sister who’s a teacher pointed out there’s a lack of consequences in children today.

Show up to sports week, get a ribbon.

Yell at your teacher, or heaven forbid, physically assault them, and no repercussions.

When we don’t give our kids consequences for their behaviors, they don’t learn the association between what I do and what I get.


I like that line.

Now that I typed it, I’m going to preach it.

What You Do Determines What You Get.

It’s that simple.

When you’re faced with a decision or choice in life, ask yourself, If I do this, what will I get from it.

Workout = Muscles

Cheetos = Less Muscles

It doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.

All it means is we want you to realize the impact of the choice and to make it intentionally.

After all, what you do will determine what you get.

TGG Podcast

This week on the Growth Guide Podcast, I spoke to Nick Hutchison about their book, Rise of the Reader: Strategies For Mastering Your Reading Habits and Applying What You Learn.​

Everyone tells you to read, But nobody tells you how to do it.

The power in books comes from what you do with them.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Setting simple daily reading goals
  • Rewiring the brain and positive mindset
  • SMART goals and implementation from books
  • Retaining and Implementing knowledge from books

Join us as we explore the power of books, personal growth, and actionable takeaways to design the life you want to live.

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