πŸ”“ Unleashing the Power of Leadership Reading: A Strategic Approach to Your πŸ“šπŸ“š Unread Books πŸ’ͺπŸ“–




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Welcome to the 186th edition of Brain Food Wednesdays (BFW)! This week, we’re exploring how to prioritize your unread books. You’re overwhelmed by the number of unread books. Where do you start? This article walks you through a process to tackle your unread books.

I hope you pick up some strategies you can use in your business.

Ask Avil


Unleashing the Power of Leadership Reading: A Strategic Approach to Your Unread Books




Leadership reading goes beyond the realm of traditional leadership books. It’s about harnessing the power of nonfiction literature to strategically extract knowledge and insights that are pertinent to your journey. It’s about embracing a proactive approach where you’re not just a passive consumer of content, but an active seeker of wisdom. This type of reading allows you to maximize your learning and minimize the time commitment.



  1. Leadership reading goes beyond traditional leadership books, allowing you to strategically extract knowledge and insights.
  2. With the Eisenhower Matrix, you can effectively prioritize your unread books by urgency and importance.
  3. Crafting a purpose and questions before reading helps focus your attention on relevant insights.

The Busy Executive


Are you a busy executive with limited time for reading? By adopting a strategic approach to leadership reading, you can maximize your learning while minimizing time commitment. The Eisenhower Matrix helps you prioritize your reading list, ensuring you focus on the books that will have the most impact on your leadership journey.

With a clear purpose and guiding questions, you can extract the most relevant insights quickly and efficiently.

The Lifelong Learner


Are you a lifelong learner hungry for knowledge? Leadership reading offers a treasure trove of wisdom waiting to be discovered in your unread books. By approaching your reading with a purpose and defining guiding questions, you can dive deep into the topics that matter most to you.

Take advantage of the binaural beats technique to enhance your cognitive capabilities and absorb knowledge more effectively. With a strategic mindset, every book becomes an opportunity for growth and self-improvement.

The Time-Strapped Entrepreneur


Are you a busy entrepreneur with a never-ending to-do list? Leadership reading can seem daunting, but with a strategic approach, it becomes a valuable investment in your personal and professional development. The Eisenhower Matrix helps you prioritize your reading, focusing on the most important books for your leadership journey.

By defining your purpose and questions, you can extract the most relevant information efficiently and apply it directly to your business challenges.

The Eisenhower Matrix: A Tool for Prioritization


Before diving into the reading process, let’s take a moment to organize your unread books. We’ll use the Eisenhower Matrix, a tool designed to help prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. Urgency refers to how quickly you need to gain knowledge, while importance refers to the impact this knowledge can have on your leadership journey. This will help you decide which books to read first, later, delegate, or not read at all.

Crafting Your Purpose and Questions


Before opening a book, define your one-sentence purpose for reading it. What do you hope to gain? What questions do you want the book to answer? This purpose-driven approach will guide your focus while reading, ensuring that you extract the most relevant insights and ideas.

Preparing Your Mind: The Binaural Beats Approach


With your reading list prioritized, it’s time to prepare your mind for the leadership reading journey. Just as physical exercise prepares your body for a marathon, binaural beats audio prepare your mind for intensive knowledge absorption. These binaural beats allow you to use both sides of the brain, all aimed at enhancing your cognitive capabilities.

Mastering the Art of Reading


Start with the Introduction, Preface, and Foreword to understand the author’s intent and the book’s overall context. Then, peruse the Index and Table of Contents to get a sense of the book’s structure and key themes. Focus on the chapters and sections that align with your purpose and questions, allowing you to read strategically and efficiently.



Leadership reading is not just about consuming content; it’s about engaging with it strategically. It’s about turning your unread books into a treasure trove of knowledge, tailored to your unique leadership journey. How can you apply the principles of leadership reading to maximize the value you derive from your unread books?

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Until Next Week,

Avil Beckford, Founder, The Invisible Mentor & Art of Learning Leadership Academy

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