Brain Food Wednesdays Unlocking Professional Success: Lessons from the Grand Tour

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In this week’s newsletter, the 165th issue of Brain Food Wednesdays, the topic is about achieving professional success by using the lessons of The Grand Tour. The Grand Tour was a traditional educational trip young, wealthy Europeans took in the 17th to 19th centuries. The tour provided a comprehensive education that included exposure to different cultures, languages, art, and history. Although the Grand Tour is no longer workable, the principles it embodies can still help professionals achieve success in their careers.

Years ago, I worked on a non-degree liberal education. I took a history of architecture course and learned about The Grand Tour. This event no longer occurs, but I wondered what lessons professionals today can learn from it. It’s a crowded space, so how can you stand out? How can you develop your personal brand? Do you ever look to history to glean information you can use today?

Although I’m using lessons from The Grand Tour as an illustration in this issue of Brain Food Wednesdays, you can look at other historical events and play with them. I hope you find this article helpful.

Ask Avil

Unlocking Professional Success: Lessons from the Grand Tour

Embrace diversity.

The Grand Tour exposed young travelers to different cultures and ways of life. Today’s professionals need to embrace diversity in all its forms, including different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. This helps them gain a deeper understanding of the world and develop greater empathy, which helps them succeed in any field. You can attend cultural events. And build a diverse network to help you learn about the customs and traditions of different cultures.

Learn new languages.

The Grand Tour was an opportunity for young people to learn new languages. Learning new languages benefits professionals today, especially if they work in a global or multicultural environment. It not only makes you more valuable to employers, but also opens up new opportunities for career growth. You can take language classes, practice speaking, and immerse yourself in the language and culture to truly master a language.

Expand your knowledge.

The Grand Tour provided young travelers with a comprehensive education. Professionals today need to expand their knowledge to keep up with the fast-paced, ever-changing world of work. This means taking courses, attending conferences or workshops, or reading widely on a variety of topics. Doing this helps you generate creative solutions to problems you face, drawing on a diverse body of knowledge.

Build relationships.

The Grand Tour was an opportunity for young people to build relationships with influential people. Professionals need to build strong relationships with colleagues, clients, and mentors. Networking is key to success in any field. Building strong relationships opens up new opportunities. And helps you advance your career. Attend networking events, build relationships with colleagues, and find mentors who offer valuable insights and advice.

Pursue your passions.

Young travelers could pursue their passions on the Grand Tour. Professionals today should pursue their passions, if they relate to their work. Pursuing your passions helps you stay motivated and engaged in your work. And also leads to new opportunities. You can volunteer, pursue hobbies, or incorporate your passions into your work to achieve this.


Although the Grand Tour may no longer be workable, the principles it embodies can still help professionals achieve success in their careers. By embracing diversity, learning new languages, expanding your knowledge, building relationships, and pursuing your passions, you can achieve professional success and make a difference in the world.

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Until Next Week,

Avil Beckford, Founder, The Invisible Mentor & Art of Learning Leadership Academy

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