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Brain Food Wednesday: Taking Ownership of Your Learning and Development

Dear Reader,
In this week’s newsletter, the 136th issue, I’m writing about taking ownership of your learning and development. I’m on vacation right now, but if you’re a regular reader, you know learning and development is something I take seriously. This summer was filled with a lot of learning. And I’ve been learning things I’m interested in. It’s important to learn and grow personally and professionally.
I’ve started working on the Silva Mind Method, though my class officially starts on August 16th. I can’t wait to get started because I want to develop my intuitive self. If you could learn anything, what would you learn?
Below, you’ll find the article I wrote, and I hope you find it helpful.
Ask Avil
Taking Ownership of Your Learning and Development
To be successful in your career, it is important to take ownership of your learning and development. This means being proactive in your professional development and not waiting for someone else to provide you with the training and skills you need. It means setting goals for yourself and finding the right mentors, coaches, and resources to help you achieve them. Taking ownership of your learning and development includes self-study, reading books and blogs, networking, and taking part in professional development programs.
And it means being willing to put in the hard work necessary to improve your skills and knowledge. By taking control of your learning, you empower yourself to reach new heights and become the best version of yourself.
What is learning and development?
There are many definitions of learning and development, but learning can be defined as the acquisition of knowledge or skills, while development refers to the growth and enhancement of those skills. Learning is what we do to ourselves, while development happens to us because of our learning.
Some people see learning and development as synonymous terms, while others believe they are two separate processes. However, most experts agree that there is a strong connection between the two: learning leads to development, and development enhances learning. This means that effective learning and development programs should be integrated whenever possible.
What are the benefits of taking ownership of your learning and development?
When you take ownership of your learning and development, you are committing yourself to lifelong growth. There are many benefits to taking ownership of your learning, including:
- You are in control of your own learning. You can choose what you want to learn and when you want to learn it. This gives you the flexibility to learn what you need, when you need it.
- You set the pace for your learning. If you want to learn quickly, you can do so. If you want to take things more slowly, that is also an option. Learning at your own pace allows you to remember more information.
- You can tailor your learning to match your needs and interests. When you are in control of your own learning, you can focus on topics that interest you and that will help you meet your goals.
How can you take ownership of your learning and development?
To take ownership of your learning and development, it is important that you understand why and how you learn best. Once you know your individual learning style, you can incorporate strategies that work for you into your learning process. For instance, I love to read, so reading books works for me. I don’t like videos, so long videos don’t work well for me.
It is helpful to have a clear idea of your goals for your education and career, and to make a plan for how you will achieve them. Taking ownership of your learning and development requires commitment, perseverance, and self-awareness. If you’ll put in the work, you can achieve great things both in and out of the classroom.
Own your learning process
There’s a lot of talk about “learning styles” these days, but the truth is that we all learn in different ways. The key to successful learning is to own your process and find what works best for you. There are plenty of techniques and tools available to help you do this, so don’t be afraid to experiment until you find what works for you.
Start by figuring out what interests you and focusing on topics that capture your attention. Read around the subject, take notes, and ask questions. Try different methods of learning, such as lectures, readings, problem-solving, and collaboration. The reality is to use a mix of learning styles, which gives you more access to resources. Right now, videos are ‘hot’, therefore it’s important to incorporate them into your learning and development. Be patient and don’t get discouraged – it takes time and practice to develop a new skill or to become knowledgeable about a topic. Above all, enjoy the learning process.
Take control of your development
In today’s world, more and more people are taking control of their own development. Rather than waiting for someone else to tell them what to do, they are discovering their own passions and working towards achieving their goals. This can be an incredibly empowering experience and can lead to a life full of happiness and satisfaction. If you’re interested in taking control of your development, here are a few tips to help get you started:
1. figure out what you want to learn
This may seem like a difficult task, but it’s actually quite simple. Just think about the things that make you happy and the things that you’re good at. Once you have a general idea of what you want, start thinking about specific goals that you can work towards.
2. Be realistic.
Don’t expect to become a billionaire overnight, as that’s just not realistic. While it may tempt you to set goals that are too high, you’ll end up discouraged if they’re too difficult to reach. It’s important to stretch yourself outside your comfort zone to prevent yourself from being an underachiever. You’ll be surprised at how quickly your goals will become a reality.
3. Don’t do it alone.
To be successful, you need to have people who are going to work with you. Try to find an accountability partner. I work well with accountability partners. However, it’s important to choose the right one.
4. Make it a habit.
People who are successful are those who do what they do regularly. Having an effective routine is the key to success. Don’t make this something that you have to work hard at, but make it something that is automatic.
Create a personal learning plan
A personal learning plan is an essential tool for any professional looking to improve their performance. I created my first one a few years ago, and I update it frequently. A personal learning plan allows you to track your own progress and set specific goals to achieve desired results. There are a few key steps to creating a personal learning plan that will work best for you.
First, identify your weaknesses and strengths as a learner. Once you know where you need improvement, you can focus on specific goals that will help you improve in those areas. Second, create a timeline for yourself with specific deadlines for each goal. This will help keep you accountable and on track towards reaching your goals.
Finally, reward yourself along the way for all your hard work. A personal learning plan is an excellent way to take control of your learning and development and achieve the success you desire.
Make use of learning resources
In the world of education, there are a variety of resources you can use to help you learn. While some people may prefer face-to-face interaction with a teacher, others may find that using different resources helps them learn more effectively. Some popular learning resources include books, online articles and videos, podcasts, and so on.
Seek feedback and reflect on learning and development. Feedback from instructors, peers and family members is essential in helping you improve your learning. Reflective feedback can be extremely beneficial in helping you learn new skills, change behavior or look at their goals and determine how they can best achieve. If you don’t have anyone to provide feedback, if you’re a self-learner, test yourself.
Persevere and be resilient when learning
To be successful in anything you do in life, you must first learn. For some, learning comes easily, but for others, it takes time and effort. It is important to remember that no one is perfect and that you’ll make mistakes along the way. What matters most is how you respond when things don’t go your way. Do you give up or do you try harder?
It’s crucial to have resilience when learning because it allows you to bounce back from failures and setbacks. You may not always succeed the first time, but if you keep trying, eventually you’ll reach your goals. Persevere and be resilient when learning, and you will be successful.
Conclusion: Taking ownership of your learning and development is important for your personal growth and career success.
To grow and develop as a person, you need to take ownership of your own learning and development. This means finding out about the things that interest you, setting goals for yourself, and seeking opportunities to learn and improve. By setting goals, seeking feedback, and being proactive in your learning, you can create a personalized plan that will help you achieve your desired outcomes. The next time you face a challenging task or new opportunity, remember that it is up to you to take the lead in your own learning and development.
It’s challenging to do this on your own, but there are many resources available to help you get started. By taking control of your learning and development, you can create a roadmap for personal growth that will benefit you for years to come. And don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it, and always keep learning.
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Until Next Week,
Avil Beckford, Founder, The Invisible Mentor