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The Invisible Mentor Weekly Newsletter: Brain Food Wednesdays Number 115: Why and How to Read Books Like a Leader

Dear Reader,
Today is Day 25 of The 100-Day Project. I’m doing 100 days of book recommendations.Participating in this challenge gives me the time to read specific types of books since I’ve grouped the project into the kinds of books I want to read.
- 30 days of personal growth and leadership development
- 30 days of career growth and development
- 40 days of business development.
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In the Ask Avil section of this newsletter, there’s an article on why and how to read like a leader. On another note, I started a reading challenge in my Facebook group. Feel free to join us.
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Ask Avil
Why and How to Read Books Like a Leader
Leaders must be readers
A book is a powerful tool. It can take you to new worlds, introduce you to amazing people, and teach you things you never thought possible. But if you’re not reading books like a leader, you’re missing out on one of the most valuable resources at your disposal.
Leaders must be readers if they want to be effective at what they do. They understand the importance of constant learning and growth, and they know that books are some of the best resources for expanding their knowledge and skills. Leaders must read books to learn new skills, stay up-to-date on industry trends, and develop a deeper understanding of important topics.
Additionally, leaders should read books for pleasure to gain new perspectives and expand their knowledge. Reading books is a habit that can be learned and practiced by anyone, regardless of their position or title.
The benefits of reading books like a leader are vast and varied. In addition to gaining knowledge and insight, leaders who read books regularly become better problem-solvers, more effective communicators, and more creative thinkers.
The following are some of the benefits that reading brings to a leader:
- Reading is a great way to develop leadership skills. It allows leaders to gain an understanding of their role and how they can impact their organization.
- Reading allows leaders to gain a sense of perspective and to better understand the world around them. Leaders will be able to develop more effective communication skills and understand how their decisions and actions impact others.
- Most books have a central theme that the author wants to convey and this theme runs throughout the book. Leaders can use these themes to develop their own leadership philosophies and help guide their decisions in making important decisions.
- Through reading leaders will be able to obtain more information and gain more knowledge. By reading they will be able to better understand the world around them and how they can make a difference in their organizations.
- Reading allows leaders to become self-reflective.
In this article, we’ll discuss why and how to read books like a leader, and we’ll provide some tips to help you get started.
Why read books?
Reading books is important for many reasons. It can help you learn about new things, improve your skills, and make you smarter. It can also help you become a better leader. Here are three ways reading books can help you become a better leader:
1. Reading books can help you learn about new things.
2. Reading books can help you improve your skills.
3. Reading books can make you smarter.
How to read books like a leader?
The most successful leaders read books to learn what they need to know. That means they never read a nonfiction book cover-to-cover. Here are five tips for reading books like a leader:
1. Choose the right books.
Leaders should read books that will help them grow professionally and personally. Choose books on topics that interest you and that you want to learn more about.
2. Make time for reading.
Reading books is essential for success in any field. Leaders must be well-read to make sound decisions and understand complex concepts. However, many people don’t have time to read books. Schedule time to read every day, even if it’s only for 15 minutes. Later you can always add more time. Have a purpose for reading every book. And know the outcome you want from reading the book. This focuses your reading time.
3. Read ahead.
Read a good book summary before you read the book. This gives you a helicopter view of what the book is about. This ensures you understand the book before you start reading.
4 Read sections of nonfiction books
The most successful leaders know that most books do not deserve to be read cover-to-cover. Read only the sections of a book that have the information that you need. Preview the book to determine which chapters and sections are worthy of their time investment.
5 Read to understand
Make sure you read and understand the material that is important to you. Then take notes about this information for your own benefit. Journaling helps you to organize your thoughts and ideas.
What should leaders read?
To be an effective leader, it is critical to read books on various topics related to leadership. This allows leaders to gain knowledge and understanding of what it takes to be a successful leader. Leaders should read books on topics such as communication, problem-solving, and management. In addition, leaders should read biographies of successful people to learn from their experiences. By reading books like a leader, individuals can improve their own leadership skills.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, leaders must be readers because they know that reading is the key to success. Reading expands our horizons, allows us to learn new things, and helps us grow as individuals. By reading books on a variety of topics, leaders are able to stay up-to-date on the latest trends, gain knowledge and insight that can help them in their careers. And they’re also more likely to inspire others to read as well. If you want to be a successful leader, make sure to read regularly and voraciously!
Reading List
The 100 Day Project challenge has started. Each week, I’ll drop the book recommendations for that week here.
- Day 1: Never Stop Learning, Bradley R. Staats
- Day 2: Big Little Breakthroughs, Josh Linkner
- Day 3: Make Your Own Cheese, Imad DeirAtany (This book is a response to Who Moved My Cheese)
- Day 4: The Strangest Secret: Earl Nightingale
- Day 5: The Luck Factor, Dr. Richard Wiseman
- Day 6: Improv Wisdom, Patricia Ryan Madson
- Day 7: Our Iceberg is Melting, John Kotter and Holger Rathbeger
- Day 8: The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy
- Day 9: Believe in Yourself, Dr Joseph Murphy
- Day 10: How We Learn, Benedict Carey
- Day 11: Anything You Want, Derek Sivers
- Day 12: Digital Zettelkasten, David Kadavy
- Day 13: Limitless, Jim Kwik
- Day 14: Learning How to Learn, Barbara Oakley et al
- Day 15: Zarrella’s Hierarchy of Contagiousness, Dan Zarrella
- Day 16: How to Set Goals with Kaizen and Ikigai, Anthony Raymond
- Day 17: Lead the Field, Earl Nightingale
- Day 18: Unlock Your Photographic Memory, Brian Spencer
- Day 19: Membership Authority, David Brock
- Day 20: The Marketing Psychology Playbook, Becky davis
- Day 21:Vivid Vision, Cameron Herold
- Day 22: 10X Marketing Formula Garrett Moon
- Day 23: How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere, Larry King
- Day 24: Write a Book in Two Hours, Jonathan Green
- Day 25: On The Manner Of Negotiating With Princes, François de Callières
The Invisible Mentor Blog/Articles Written
Blog Posts
Books Can Work Wonders for You
Guide to Creating the Best System for Reading Books
Secrets to Falling In Love with Reading
The One Problem
I’ve published 49 podcast episodes already. How time flies. You can also find these on my YouTube channel.
- Diane Darling, Professional Networking Strategist, Speaker, Instructor & Coach
- Rosie Yeung, Founder and President Changing Lenses
- Nancy Ynchaustegui, Health and Fitness Coach
- Carol Walkner, Life Guide, Energy Healer, and Clairvoyant
- Mariett Ramm, Founder, the Powerful Woman, International Bestselling Author
- Sarah Elkins, Storytelling and StrengthsFinder Coach
- Debbie McKiver, Founder of the Strong and Healthy Temple
- Hedieh Safiyari, Founder, Prompt Health, Healthcare Solutions
- Benita Lee, Trade Consultant, Founder, Benita Lee Professional Corporation
- Jenny Siede, Chief Design Thinker, Green Neurons
- Pamela Jeffery, Founder, The Prosperity Project & Women’s Executive Network
- Alta Odendaal, Financial Coach and Consultant
- Larissa Russell, Founder and CEO Queer Voicez and Creative U Business
- Glain Roberts-McCabe, Founder, the Roundtable, Group Coach Academy
- Dr Marsha Carr, Professor, University of North Carolina, Wilmington
- Gabriella O’Rourke, Business Consultant, Borden Ladner Gervais
- Stefanie Booker Atchison, Wisdom Coach & Motivational Speaker
- Michelle Griffin, Founder Brandthority, Building Your Personal Brand
- Donna Knutson, Founder of Write Journeys
- Sophie Gray, Founder of DiveThru: Being Disconnected from Yourself
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Product Alert
7 Day Reading Makeover Challenge
This is an affordable program to get started on leadership reading. Leaders read to learn what they need to know. You’ll also learn how to synthesize information.
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Until Next Week,
Avil Beckford, Founder, The Invisible Mentor!