๐Ÿ—๏ธ New SERP Feature??

Happy Wednesday!

Last week I talked about what happened when I swapped ONE keyword in my title with another one.

If you missed it, you can read that email and other past emails HERE.


Today is short and sweet. I wanted to ask if anyone has noticed the new Google autosuggest keywords at the top of the SERP’s?!

This is what it looks like on desktop:

Do you see the keyword bubbles?


And on mobile:


It looks verrryy Pinterest-y… ๐Ÿค”

It’s similar to what Google has always suggested in the drop down bar but I notice a few keywords at the top that are not in the drop down. So maybe it’s just another resource of longtail words to pull from?? Let me know if you find it any more helpful!


One more thing!!

As I update my courses, I would love to get some honest feedback from you! This will help me make the courses better!

  1. Is there something that you’re still confused about? If so what?

2. What is missing from the course(s)? (Mention the course)

3. Is there anything you’d like addressed that was not taked about?

4. Are there more PDF’s or printables you would like to have handy for when you finish the course? If so, what kind?

5. What can I go further into detail about?

6. Should the modules be shorter?

7. What from the course would you like more of? Live researching/analyzing? More examples?


**You don’t need to answer ALL questions but any feedback is much appreciated! Just hit REPLY and let me know! TIA!!


Coming Soon!!

  1. Cooking With Keywords is undergoing a major update. I am excited to share some new strategies and tips with you so stay tuned for that! (Yes, all current students will have access!)

2. In case you missed it, I am going to be offering at least one of the following opportunities to grow with me:

  • Monthly Mastermind Group
  • Live Q&A’s
  • Annual Accountability Membership

I will be sending more info on what each is and what to expect in coming weeks! Stay tuned!!



Until then, keep up the awesome keyword research!!



Coupon Codes:

Link Whisper: Use my affiliate link with the code: AlekaShunk15 for $15 OFF!

Keysearch: For 20% off, use my affiliate link and enter the coupon code: KSDISC (*This may not work for those outside the US)


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โ€‹Check out my KWA Coursesโ€‹


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