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Brain Food Fridays Number 55: What’s on Your Learning Agenda for 2021?
Dear Reader,
What’s on Your Learning Agenda for 2021?
I read a lot. And I love to read from different genres. I’ll continue to do that. However, recently I asked myself what three skills, if mastered, would be a game changer for me. I came up with sales, problem solving, and creativity. I need to work harder at sales than the other two, but I think evolving and growing is a good thing. There is always room for improvement.
In the next few months, I’ll be writing a lot about these three skills. I’ll apply the effective reading strategies I’ve been honing over the years to learn these skills. In preparation for the Sales Accelerator: Don’t Read More, Read Differently that launches on January 27th, I’ve started reading the sales books and I’m enjoying the journey. If you’d like to learn more about this program, go here.
What are three skills you’d like to focus on this year? How do you plan to learn them? If you plan to read books, what books do you plan to read? If you need help, please reply to this email.
10 in 30 Reading Challenge: Take Your Reading to the Next Level
This event is taking place in my Facebook group and started a few days ago. You’ll be reading a book every three days, and you’ll be taking books from your to-read pile. Please join me there, since I’ll be sharing some exclusive content that’s not found on my social media feed. There’s an overlap between this event and the paid Sales Accelerator event. I’m participating in both, so I’ll be reading the same books.
Join Reading Rocks: Read a Book, Discover Solutions, Change the World. I started doing the weekly Facebook Lives. I’m trying to get more comfortable being on video.
The Invisible Mentor Blog
I profiled Viola Desmond as the second woman in the Badass Women Series. Viola Desmond was a Canadian civil rights activist and hairdresser of Black Nova Scotian descent. In 1946, she challenged racial segregation practices at a cinema in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia by refusing to move from a whites-only area of the Roseland Theatre into the section unofficially set aside for non-white patrons.
Product of the Week
To buy Sales Accelerator: don’t read more, read differently, click on the button below!
Until Next Week,
Avil Beckford, Founder, The Invisible Mentor!