Brain Food Fridays Number 52: Are You Learning The Skills The World Economic Forum Says You Need to Thrive, Week Nine?

Dear Reader,

Are you set for the Holidays? I’ve been sending out the weekly newsletter for a year now. I’m adding more structure to the newsletter so everything I do is cohesive. Last week I wrote about having the four pillars of content and that will be evident here. I want you to have the best experience as well as take your business or career to the next level.

Let’s continue with the reading challenge to learn the skills the World Economic Forum says you need to thrive in 2025.

Week Nine: Learning the Skills the World Economic Forum Says You Need to Thrive Up to 2025​

This is Week Nine of the reading challenge to learn the skills that the World Economic Forum says you need to succeed in your career.

  1. Active learning and learning strategies.
  2. Analytical thinking and innovation.
  3. Complex problem-solving.
  4. Creativity, originality, and initiative.
  5. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation.
  6. Critical thinking and analysis.
  7. Leadership and social influence.
  8. Resilience, stress tolerance, and flexibility.
  9. Technology use, monitoring, and control.
  10. Technology design and programming.

I’m going to deviate a bit here this week. The focus is on technology use, monitoring and control. For those who want to follow this strictly, go ahead and do so. However, I recommend that you read up on artificial intelligence.

Here are some book choices, pick one to read during the upcoming week.

  1. Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Max Tegmark
  2. AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order, Kai-Fu Lee
  3. The Future of Work: Robots, AI, and Automation, Darrell M. West

Book I’m Reading This Week

I’ve been reading a lot of mysteries and that’s an excellent way to hone your problem solving skills. I have several books in queue to read during the holidays. Here are a few books I can’t wait to read. They’re from the Love-Based series. I don’t know what to expect. But someone who wrote one of the books in the series recommended that I read hers. She’s been supportive of me, so I wanted to support her.

  1. Love-Based Feminine Marketing, Julie Foucht
  2. Love-Based Copywriting Method, Michele Pariza Wacek
  3. Love-Based Copywriting System, Michele Pariza Wacek
  4. Love-Based Goals, Michele Pariza Wacek

Product of the Week

If you need help to take notes, here is Effective Note Taking for Professionals

Effective Note Taking Tips

Until Next Week,
Avil Beckford, Founder, The Invisible Mentor!

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