Category: Junius Test

  • How successful companies get there

    How successful companies get there

    227. How Successful Companies Get There There are four behaviors adhered to by every single successful company. If you want your company to be successful, have I got a story for you! Things you’ll learn: Here There Why you care​ READ MORE 113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205​Unsubscribe · Preferences​

  • The IKEA effect at your company

    The IKEA effect at your company

    226. A Leader’s Guide to Empowering Success Despite the shoddy furniture, pathetic wrench and questionable meatballs, IKEA can teach us a lot about leadership and how to be successful. It all starts with a random experiment… READ MORE This week’s newsletter is sponsored by Morning Brew. Find out why 4M people read it every day.…

  • What you missed…

    What you missed…

    Hey Reader, I can’t believe it’s June already! Here are some of the top articles you may have missed in May. I hope you have a great week! Oh, by the way, if this email comes across as empty with no recommendations, let me know!) Jeff Matlow​ Take the quiz!​ 113 Cherry St #92768,…

  • Transformational change: 5 secrets and a radish

    Transformational change: 5 secrets and a radish

    225. Transformational Change: 5 Secrets, a Free Guide and a Radish Transformational change doesn’t just magically happen. Sometimes you have to eat the radish. READ MORE 113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205​Unsubscribe · Preferences​

  • the measure of competence at work

    the measure of competence at work

    224. The Measure of Competence The smartest person in the room is probably the idiot. Actually, this has been scientifically proven. READ MORE This Week’s Sponsor: Instacart Unlimited Free Grocery Delivery on Orders $35+ Life is too short to stand in the grocery line.I love me the Instacart. My groceries are (usually) delivered in one…

  • The flaw that changed everything

    The flaw that changed everything

    223. The Flaw That Changed Everything An artist in 15th-century Italy was asked to sculpt a statue out of a ridiculously flawed piece of marble. He failed and the world has never been the same. READ MORE 113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205​Unsubscribe · Preferences​

  • These leadership types always get in the way

    These leadership types always get in the way

    222. The 3 Leadership Types That Get In Their Own Way There’s a difference between a leader doing it their own way and getting in their own way. And it’s super frustrating for the rest of us. READ MORE How Good Is Your Company Culture The average company culture rates a C+.Where does your company…

  • Your only two choices

    Your only two choices

    221. Your Only Two Choices in Life In any given scenario, you only have two options​ READ MORE This Week’s Sponsor: Canva I love Canva. And now that they have AI integrated? You better be using it. Now it’s not just a design tool, but it’s also your best copywriter for blog outlines, lists, content…

  • The worst problem at work and how to fix it

    The worst problem at work and how to fix it

    220. The Worst Problem At Work Fact #1: People show less gratitude at work than in any other place. Fact #2: The main reason employees quit their job is due to a lack of gratitude. The solution is actually pretty simple.​ READ MORE This Week’s Sponsor: Canva Canva is the single best design too. Period.…

  • New Broadcast cancel

    Hi Reader