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‘t is the season voor kerstlichtjes-staren, chocomousse en liters tiramisu (maken)
Hoi lieve Reader, Eerst en vooral wil ik jou bedanken. Voor je support. Als lezer van mijn nieuwsbrief. Sinds kort of over de vele jaren heen. Want door jou te mogen inspireren help ook jij mij om in mijn missie te blijven geloven. Het is mee dankzij jou dat ik dit jaar mijn missie voluit…
Quick & Easy Last-Minute Christmas Treats 🍪🎄
Hey Reader, Can you believe that Christmas Eve is in just 2 days!? If you’re short on time but would still like to whip up some festive treats, this email is for you. Easy Last-Minute Christmas Recipes 🎄🌟 Perfect for when you’re short on time but still want to spread some holiday cheer! Christmas Cookie…
Weekly Newsletter #04 Dec 22 – Gratitude for Our December of #DesignForward Journey
DesignForward Newsletter 04 Hello fellow course creators, 👋🏻 I want to thank you all for joining me on this “December of #DesignForward” journey! From my daily posts to now wrapping up with weekly newsletters, it’s been awesome to have the space to tap into my creativity and streamline my process. Experimenting with AI for Creative…
Burn the Boats
Welcome to the Growth Guide, a weekly newsletter where I share actionable ideas to help you Live Better, Achieve More and Be Financially Free. Your Next Breakthrough This newsletter is brought to you by Mark Manson’s newsletter, Your Next Breakthrough. Mark Manson is the author of the wildly successful book, The Subtle Art of Not…
BFW: How Many Books Would You Like to Read Monthly?
Dear Reader, Listen to the Newsletter Applied Knowledge Is Power! I’m Going to Help You Gain More Knowledge Faster through Strategic Reading In the New Year, my goal is to help you read strategically, so you can: Read more books. Access hidden wisdom. Gain more knowledge. Stay ahead of the competition. Quickly determine if a…
Holiday Cards That Will Pop! 🎉
It’s the week before Christmas, Reader. Are your days merry and bright? Or busy and bustling? Or maybe they look different and are filled with quietness and solitude. No matter what your holiday season is like, I just want to take a moment to say I see you. You are a valued person here in…
Yoga Nidra in de boardroom en de ideeënpoort activatie
Is het idealistisch om open te staan voor alles wat er mogelijk is Reader? De gave van ideeënpoort hexagram 11 (Peace / gate of Ideas) , is tegelijk heel erg yin-zijn als yang-doen. In de I Ching heet deze energie ‘Heaven on Earth’ en wordt afgebeeld door drie onderste volle yang lijnen als Aarde en…
💡 Ideas: The Fundamental Building Blocks of Your Creativity
In this edition of Practical PKM: Avoiding the Systems Commitment Trap How to identify resonating ideas The role of ideas in your PKM Stack A cool Obsidian plugin for referencing help sites Some neat features added in Obsidian version 1.5.2 My book notes from The Creative Act by Rick Rubin Over the past several years,…